Detox/Holistic Cleanse
The holistic health cleanse approach to detoxification affects the body, mind and spirit all together. Sweating as a result of heat exposure and/or exercise has been practised for purifying “cleansing” and healthy wellness through the ages. Traditional heat-sweating customs have included Roman baths, Native sweat lodges, Scandinavian saunas, Turkish steam baths, Russian dry Banya, and new wellness methods including today’s dry-heat, infrared and thermos-fusion saunas. When the body is heated, blood vessels in the skin dilate to allow more blood to flow to the surface. The sweat glands are also activated and perspiration on the surface of the skin cools the blood via the evaporation process. During the sweating process, heat and toxins are drawn from the skin and lymphatic systems resulting in toxic dissipation and cooling. A good sweat uses the skin as a “3rd kidney” and helps remove wastes and toxic chemicals through the perspiration process. Our bodies carry a lot of toxins which naturally come from our environment and food. Infrared heat increases your core body temperature and flushes out metals and pollutants from your cells. This leads to more efficient biochemical processes.
Chronic Pain Relief
Infrared Thermotherapy dilates vessels and brings freshly oxygenated blood to problem areas to safely reduce pain and stiffness. Vibration massage relaxes and naturally relieves pain. Increased blood circulation carries off metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen to muscles, so they can recover faster from working out. Muscles relax when tissues are warm, which results in greater flexibility and range of motion. Infrared relieve muscles tension and help your body’s healing abilities.
Are your muscles sore from your workout? Just spend 20 minutes in the Infrared Sauna Pod and feel those knots and cramps loosen up. Infrared heat has powerful pain management properties and is also used to help treat sports injuries and chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia.
Weight Management
Studies have shown that you can burn 400-600 Calories in one 40 Minute Session. As the body works to cool itself, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and increased metabolism, causing the body to burn more Calories.
The “Afterburn Effect”: Your body continues to burn Calories up to 2 hours after your Cocoon session to replenish oxygen in the muscles as your body regulates its temperature back to the pre-heat state.
What if you could burn calories laying down? Infrared heat increases blood circulation and heart rate similar to aerobic exercises such as jogging. With proper training and a good diet, regular pod sessions can help you beat your weight goal in no time!
Muscle Warm up or Fitness/Workout muscle recovery
Recovery is as important as pushing your body to the limits. In fact, many workout routines fail due to lack of proper recovery time. Infrared heat helps repair muscle tears and helps your heart deliver oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body.
In addition, the soothing ambiance of the Infrared Sauna Pod keeps you calm and elevates you to a positive state of mind. Finish your gym session feeling invigorated and ready to take on the day!
The simultaneous heat and vibratory massage the Pod provides helps to promote better flexibility and a more fluid range of motion response in your body. Athletes find that the Pod helps them recover from injury faster, and the Pod also helps anyone who is suffering from pain from repetitive movements, from overuse of the muscles or from the simple aches and pain that can come with the aging process. Infrared heat dilates blood vessels, thereby increasing blood circulation to any injured areas, relieving pain and hastening the healing process. Infrared heat has been used successfully in the treatment of muscle spasms, arthritis and rheumatism.
Sleep Management
Scientists suggest that power naps are similar to calming meditation, since they calm the wake circuit neurons to achieve the refreshing benefits of restorative sleep. A 15-20 minute power nap is believed to calm the alpha and the theta brain waves, rather than the slower, deep-slumber delta brain waves which occur in deepest REM (Rapid eye movement) sleep. One minute power nap session, equals 4-5 minutes of sleep restoration. Wellness Nap in our pod can efficiently help provide 4 to 5 minutes of refreshment in as little as one minute (i.e. 15 minute power nap = 1+ hours of sleep). Our pod combines comfort with soothing relaxation modalities such as soft rhythmic vibration, nerve-calming massage, a warm body temperature, aromatherapy and a quiet, dark, and a private sanctuary.
As you experience the heat and massage the Pod provides, you will notice a marked reduction in your stress and tension levels. In addition, the soothing aspect of the Pod allows you to feel more mentally alert and paves the way for a more restful sleep that night. Studies have also indicated the positive effects of heat acclimation on the brain, including the growth of new brain cells, improvement in focus, learning and memory, and reducing depression and anxiety.
In addition, the soothing ambiance of a pod keeps you calm and elevates you to a positive state of mind. Finish your exercise for the day feeling invigorated and ready to take on the day!
Fitness High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Our Infrared Sauna Pod includes a patented built-in exercise fitness system featuring dynamic resistance bands of two different resistance levels with cushioned grips. With the FIT-Bed Guided Imagery Workout sessions, users can perform High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T) exercises in high heat (‘Active Thermal Exercise’) for improved fitness and heat acclimation. Exercise resistance bands can be easily and quickly changed for all levels of fitness sessions, from out-of-shape to elite professional. Infrared Sauna Pod hyper thermic-fitness exercise encourages a healthy lifestyle to help users experience enhanced exercise and wellness benefits.